They're both threatening us

Left-leaning media is currently raising the alarm that "Trump Wants the Military Used Against Americans Who Don’t Support Him on Election Day". While this isn't true, it does remind us that American leaders on both sides are now openly flirting with authoritarianism.
What did Trump say?
President Biden said he doesn't know whether election day will be peaceful. An interviewer mentioned Biden's comment and asked Donald Trump what he expects. Trump responded:
Well, [Biden] doesn't have any idea what's happening, in all fairness. He spends most of his day sleeping.
I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country. By the way, totally destroying our country. The towns, the villages, they're being inundated. But I don't think they're the problem in terms of Election Day.
I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they're the – and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can't let that happen.
Using the military against civilians is never acceptable. Only an ignorant or authoritarian person would suggest it. Only the most evil governments in history have unleashed the military on their own civilian populations. Doing so is a red line that, if crossed, should inspire both the military and civilian populations to immediately overturn the government and form a better one.
But was Trump suggesting using the military to attack people who didn't vote for him? Nope. The media is just trying to manipulate people again.
If Biden said something similar about "radical-right lunatics" disturbing the peace on election day, it's difficult to imagine the same media outlets having the same reaction. In fact, Biden recently said something much worse, and the media hardly reacted.
What did Biden say?
In 2021, President Biden gave a speech about gun control from the White House. Biden commented on Americans who believe they need firearms to protect themselves from their own government:
If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.
This is not the response of the leader of a free country. This is the response of a tyrant – exactly the sort of response that makes people believe a government is their enemy.
Biden could have said it will never be necessary for Americans to take on the government. He could have said we have government by the people, for the people, which would never become an enemy of the people. Instead, he practically stuck up his middle fingers and said, "you can't possibly win against my military".
What's worse, Biden was not speaking about people violating the law, as Trump was. Biden was speaking about Americans who are exercising a Constitutional right on grounds explicitly stated by the founders. In fact, Biden was even speaking about his own left-leaning supporters, who fear the rise of far-right government. Biden showed we should all fear the government, regardless which side runs it.
Now search for media coverage of Biden's frightening comment. You won't find much. Biden's authoritarianism wasn't blown out of proportion like Trump's. It was hardly mentioned at all.
First, the media is manipulating us. It is blowing out of proportion the vile comments of one side, and hardly mentioning the vile comments of the other.
Second, the political establishment is manipulating us. Americans are being offered two options for leadership – right-wing or left-wing - and both are authoritarian. We are being duped into choosing, "because the other one is worse."
There is only one way to escape the grip of authoritarianism that we feel growing tighter around our necks every day. We must refuse both right and left, and restore our original experiment – the path of freedom through limited government. This option brought America the peace, prosperity, and happiness we've enjoyed for two centuries. It is the only option with a future.
Right and left are both wrong, and their contest is only leading to authoritarianism and ruin.